Today I was thinking about how I think I'm ready to be DONE with dieting and trying to figure out what I should/should not eat in order to lose weight. In my adult life, I've seen many, MANY theories come and go about the BEST way to burn fat, etc. But I've been around long enough to know that "sworn by" opinions/facts often get overturned a few years later. People as a whole are doing the yo-yo diet dance and I did it HARD from 2021-2022. Yes, I lost 60 pounds, but then I slowly gained it back (with some extra)! I refuse to be a prisoner to calorie counting. I also refuse to believe that some foods are just "bad," like eggs, potatoes, pasta, and especially bread. It seems like a game we're all unwillingly playing. The food morphs our bodies to be fatter and unhealthier, then we buy diet food, supplements, control garments, gym memberships, exercise equipment, and drugs to try to lose weight and/or to "look better." And we keep going on and on around the loop (or yo-yo). I'm incredibly tired of this game and I'm done with it. I now CHOOSE to enjoy all the food I eat and continue to bless it with the intention of the food truly nurturing my body. Don't get me wrong— I've adjusted what I eat over the years and the food I put into my body is pretty healthy. I enjoy organic fruits and veggies, drink lots of water, and limit processed and chemicalized foods. I also stopped eating meat roughly 3 years ago and enjoy eating nuts, seeds, cheese, and beans for protein. My husband and I have cut out most sugar and sweeteners, and cut way down on desserts and goodies. But even eating this way, my weight has still steadily increased. And I refuse to believe I should be weighing and measuring every handful of nuts, the weight of a salad, etc. It's an extremely restrictive feeling when you have to account for every calorie, and it doesn't sit well with my soul. Food should be enjoyed and it SHOULD bless your body and soul. I also CHOOSE to listen to my body. To drink when I'm thirsty and eat when I'm hungry, regardless of how that matches up with the clock and the "traditional" 3 American mealtimes each day. I have some health challenges that mean my body actually functions better with smaller, more frequent snacks during the day than three large, heavy meals. And even though experts are now suggesting that we don't eat after about 7pm, if my stomach is growling I will absolutely feed it. But I'm also CHOOSING to be mindful that when I eat. To not be multi-tasking if possible. To be solely focused on eating slowly and enjoying what I'm eating. I'm striving to eat with the #1 goal of fueling my body with the nutrients it needs, and the #2 goal of it satisfying my personal tastes. I'm trying to question myself more about if I'm about to eat something because I'm hungry, or because it looks yummy and it's there. Disclaimer: None of this is medical advice, I'm just sharing my personal opinions with you today. Just hoping someone out there finds it helpful. 🙂
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December 2024